Crime Stoppers is a partnership of the public, the police, and the media which provides the community with a proactive program for people to anonymously assist the police in solving crime.

The York Region Crime Stoppers Program began March 1st, 1986. It was an amalgamation of Toronto, Peel, Durham, and York Region, and was known as Toronto and Regional Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers of York Region officially separated in July of 2001 and has continued to strengthen. Ours, like other programs, is not a police program, although it is enthusiastically supported by Police Services across Ontario. It is a public program that is run by a Board of Directors. That is ordinary concerned citizens who live in York Region and volunteer their time.
When a “Tipster” calls our 24 hour toll free line, 1(800)222-TIPS the type of information that we are concerned about has to do with serious crime, assaults, homicides and missing persons, robberies, break and enters, arson, theft, damage to property, and drugs. When an arrest is made, the caller is eligible for a cash reward of up to $2000.00.
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